Hi! Thanks for coming in! As you read, this page and those below it are dedicated to the anime series called Ronin Warriors, one of the coolest animes out there. The show was orginally released in 1994, I think, and is the American rendison (verison) of the Samuri Troopers.
Baiscally, the show is about five guys who have the ability to wear mystic armors. The guys (Ryo, Rowen, Kento, Cye, and Sage)use their armors to battle against the evil demon Tulpa and his dark dynasty (particularly his generals).Tulpa's generals (Anubis, Sekmet, Kale, and Dais) also have their own mystical armor as well. All nine armors
come to form Tulpa's armor, hence the reason he wants the Ronin's defeated so bad.
There is also a girl named Kayura who works for Tulpa but she doesn't enter until the second seaon.
There are other characrters in the show but you'll have to visit the character pages in order to see them, well once I get those pages up, which won't be to long from now. All in all, the series is really great. It has an excellent storyline, good animation, and a good mix of characters (Rowen and Kayura being my favorites). There is also a good combination of drama, humor, and in my opinon, romance (you have to look for it though). I STRONGLY encourage you to check it out and look through the pages below, once I get them up of course. ENJOY!!!
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